The Emerson/Harris Program (E/HP) offers MIT students of outstanding achievement in classical, jazz, or non-western music traditions the opportunity to meaningfully participate in the musical life of MIT by taking private lessons, giving solo performances, and joining an MTA ensemble. Students accepted into E/HP receive partial or full financial assistance toward the cost of private lessons. Each academic year, the program awards Scholarships and Fellowships to nearly 70 students.
Auditions are held once a year, prior to the start of the Fall semester. Accepted students will consult with their advisor in determining a private instructor for the academic year. Our cohort of instructors consist of permanent MIT teaching staff as well as Affiliate Artists who teach throughout the Greater Boston area.
The Emerson/Harris Program began in 1997 with a major gift from Cherry L. Emerson, Jr. (SM ’41), a former member of the Council for the Arts at MIT, at the request of Ellen T. Harris, Class of 1949 Professor Emeritus and Associate Provost for the Arts (1989–1996).
E/HP offers two programs: the Scholars program and the Fellows program.
In addition to the requirements below, all Scholars and Fellows are required to participate in and register separately for an MTA Performance Ensemble. (See “Performance Ensemble Options.”) Note that classical vocalists should participate in either 21M.401 Concert Choir or 21M.405 Chamber Chorus.
The E/HP Scholars program is open to all full-time MIT students. After a student has successfully paid for and completed 10 lessons in the Fall semester, MIT will match the cost of 10 lessons in the Spring semester (up to $1,200).
Classical Scholars perform in group recitals at the end of each semester.
Instrumental Jazz Scholars perform solo via their ensemble participation.
Vocal Jazz Scholars perform solo via their ensemble participation and/or via a group recital with the guidance/permission of Laura Grill Jaye.
Scholars are required to register for Music Performance (21M.475 for undergraduates, 21M.511 for graduate students) for credit (6) or as a listener for both Fall and Spring semesters.
Each semester, Scholars are also required to attend or perform in ONE Emerson/Harris Masterclass Series.
Classical Vocalists are required to register for Vocal Repertoire & Performance (21M.410/515) for the Spring semester. Exceptions involve consultation with Vocal Advisor, Ryan Turner.
A limited number of recital slots are available to Scholars who wish to perform a full solo recital in the Spring. If a solo recital is granted, the student should register for Solo Recital (21M.490) in the Spring semester instead of Music Performance (21M.475/511).
Classical Scholars recital auditions will take place on November 22 at noon.
Jazz Scholars should schedule an audition with Fred Harris by November 1.
The Fellows program is open to full-time MIT undergraduates who have already completed one year of private study as a Scholar, and all graduate students.
Classical Fellows will give a full solo recital in the Spring term.
Jazz Fellows will give one collective ensemble recital in the Fall semester and lead (as performer/arranger/composer) an ensemble recital in the Spring term.
If a Jazz Fellow is interested in an additional recital opportunity they must audition with Miguel Zenon by the last day of classes of the Fall semester.
All Fellows are required to register for Advanced Music Performance (21M.480 for undergraduates, 21M.512 for graduate students) for both Fall and Spring semesters (9+9). AMP is a performance class that meets once a week: Mondays 5-7pm (Classical) or Wednesdays 5-7pm (Jazz).
Emerson/Harris Scholars and Fellows should participate in one of the following performance ensembles. Audition information for all ensembles can be found here.
21M.401 Concert Choir
21M.405 Chamber Chorus
21M.421 Symphony Orchestra
21M.426 Wind Ensemble
21M.442 Festival Jazz Ensemble
21M.443 Vocal Jazz Ensemble
21M.445 Chamber Music Society or Jazz Combos
21M.450 Balinese Gamelan
21M.451 Collaborative Piano
21M.460 Senegalese Drum Ensemble
Important! There is a REQUIRED Orientation Meeting on Tuesday September 3, 2024 at 4-5pm in Killian Hall (14W-111) for ALL new and returning students auditioning for the program.
The application deadline for E/HP is Tuesday August 27, 2024 at 11:59pm.
All applicants, including returning E/HP Scholars and Fellows, must audition every year.
Students can apply for the Scholars Program, Fellows Program, or both.
Applicants who miss the deadline may be added to a waitlist. To inquire, please email Riley Vogel (vogel503@mit.edu). If we are able to accommodate your request, you will be contacted prior to the audition date with a time slot.
Students wishing to audition on more than one instrument/voice must submit separate forms for each audition. While students may audition for and be awarded more than one offer, advisors will determine if acceptance of more than one is appropriate.
Advisors: Marcus Thompson (bratsche@mit.edu); Natalie Lin Douglas (lindoug@mit.edu)
Auditions will be held in Killian Hall on Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 2-8pm.
Note: You will be assigned a specific audition time after all applications have been received.
All applicants must prepare two pieces of contrasting styles and periods that show the full range of their ability. Memorization is not required. Each audition slot will be 15 minutes. Piano accompaniment is not required or provided.
Applicants will also be asked to perform a prepared excerpt that will be provided the day before the audition.
Students auditioning for the Fellowship should propose a program of repertoire that they would perform for their solo recital. Bring a printed copy of your proposed recital program with your name, year, full titles and timings.
Advisor: Mi-Eun Kim (mieunkim@mit.edu)
Auditions will be held in Killian Hall on Sunday, September 8, 2024 from 10am-5pm.
Note: You will be assigned a specific audition time after all applications have been received.
All applicants must prepare two pieces of contrasting styles and periods that show the full range of their ability. Memorization is not required. Each audition slot will be 15 minutes.
Applicants will also be asked to perform a prepared excerpt that will be provided the day before the audition.
Students auditioning for the Fellowship should propose a program of repertoire that they would perform for their solo recital. Bring a printed copy of your proposed recital program with your name, year, full titles and timings.
Advisor: Jean Rife (jeanrife@mit.edu)
Auditions will be held in Killian Hall on Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 10am-1pm.
Note: You will be assigned a specific audition time after all applications have been received.
All applicants must prepare two pieces of contrasting styles and periods that show the full range of their ability. Memorization is not required. Each audition slot will be 15 minutes. Piano accompaniment is not required or provided.
Applicants will also be asked to perform a prepared excerpt that will be provided the day before the audition.
Students auditioning for the Fellowship should propose a program of repertoire that they would perform for their solo recital. Bring a printed copy of your proposed recital program with your name, year, full titles and timings.
Advisor: Ryan Turner (rlturner@mit.edu)
Auditions will be held in Killian Hall on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 5-7pm.
Note: You will be assigned a specific audition time after all applications have been received.
Applicants must prepare three memorized art songs of different styles with accompaniment, and at least one of which should be in English. A pianist will be provided.
Applicants must provide two-sided, printed copies of all music in a binder for the pianist.
Voice Fellowship applicants will also be given a short sight-reading excerpt.
Students auditioning for the Fellowship should propose a program of repertoire that they would perform for their solo recital. Bring a printed copy of your proposed recital program with your name, year, full titles and timings.
Apply here as a Classical Vocalist
Advisor: Frederick Harris (fharris@mit.edu)
Auditions will be held in the Amplified Music Room (W18-4305) on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, beginning at 2pm.
Note: You will be assigned a specific audition time after all applications have been received.
Applicants will also be expected to demonstrate their improvisation skills. Improvisation is optional for non-Emerson/Harris jazz auditions but expected for Emerson/Harris jazz auditions.
This audition will also count as your audition for the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble or Jazz Combos.
Apply here as a Jazz Instrumentalist
Advisor: Frederick Harris (fharris@mit.edu)
Auditions will be held in the Amplified Music Room (W18-4305) on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, beginning at 2pm.
Note: You will be assigned a specific audition time after all applications have been received.
Jazz vocalists should prepare three memorized songs from the jazz canon of varied forms/styles (such as ballad, swing, Latin, etc.) and tempos. Improvisation is required. Piano accompaniment is not required but could be provided upon request. Pre-recorded accompaniment is accepted.
Your E/HP Jazz vocal audition and MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble audition are separate. You must audition for each of them separately if you intend to participate in both.
Advisor: Frederick Harris (fharris@mit.edu)
Percussionists’ ensemble audition will also count as their audition to the Emerson/Harris Program. Please email Riley Vogel (vogel503@mit.edu) after signing up for your ensemble audition to state your interest in being considered for the Emerson/Harris Program.
Percussionists must audition on at least two of the three major percussion instruments (timpani, mallet instruments, snare drum).
Timpani auditions will include basic tuning, snare drum auditions will include basic rudiments, and mallet auditions will include scales. The two etudes or solo compositions performed should each have contrasting styles represented. Sight-reading on two instruments will be required.
Non-western Instrumental/Vocal
Students experienced in non-western music traditions may also audition and receive support for private lessons under the Emerson/Harris Program. For inquiries, please email Riley Vogel (vogel503@mit.edu)